Jerry Gross: an expert in Astral projection
Ever since I was a young boy I have been in contact with my spirit-guides and have been able to Astral project out of my body at will. I have visited the 7 levels of the Astral plane and have explored the earth plane. My main objective is to inform people of this amazing inner potential and to show everyone how to start tapping into these capabilities.
I also want to share with you the teachings from two of my spirit-guides MORA and KARAMA. They are teachers from the Astral plane who have put together a detailed roadmap in what it takes and how you must think to find the inner connection you are looking for.
In "Jeremiah and Me" I'll tell you what my childhood was like growing up with an ability no one could understand. The trouble I got into with the nuns and priests at school. I'll show you the amazing photograph I took of my materialized spirit-teacher Jeremiah who has always been with me. And, I'll tell you about my out-of-body experiences when I was taken to see the Astral committees which figure out how to help man on earth, lecture halls where souls in and out of the body come to learn, and what happened with two of the worlds most evil dictators after they died.
Excerpts from Jerry's book
"As I was growing up, every night I went to bed at night, there was an 'old man' who would sit at the end of my bed."
"Well, this nun cracked me across the head harder than I had ever been hit before! Everyone was looking at me as though I were possessed with the devil because I was giggling at the funeral home."
"Ma, Jerry says he has two bodies."
There is no specific charge for Jerry's book. Please see "contact" page for ordering or correspondence.